Premium Tournament Sponsorship (please submit company logo & ad)
Platinum @ $2500-foursome of golf, Front cover recognition and full page in program, recognition on main
sponsorship page of the website, recognition on practice green and hole sign. Recognition
plaque will be presented at dinner.
Gold @ $2000-foursome of golf, 1/2 page in program, recognition on the sponsorship page of the website, hole sign. Recognition plaque will be presented at dinner.
Silver @ $1500-foursome of golf, 1/4 page in program, recognition on the sponsorship page of the website, hole
sign. Recognition plaque will be presented at dinner.
Hole, Lunch & Cart Sponsorship
1st & 10th Hole sponsorship @ $500- sign at the hole and recognition in the event program Tee/Hole sponsorship @ $250 - sign at the hole and recognition in the event program
At the turn Lunch sponsor @ $1000
Cart Sponsor @1000 includes signage on each cart and recognition in the event program
Event Program Advertising (please submit your company ad)
Full page ad @ $500
Half page ad @ $300
1/4-page ad @ $150
Please contact for Sponsorship: Omer Gursoy
Please contact for Event Program: Michelle Gursoy
Please contact for Donated Items: Cyndi Butcher
Please contact Laura Starling at to submit ad/logo for website.
**Sponsorships submitted after September 1st will not be in the program but will be recognized on the website**
Noah’s House Mental Health Foundation Inc. is a registered charity